Action and SKU data

Combining SKU and Action data will lead to unconventional aggregation results, when trying to use them together in the /report endpoint. If you want to retrieve SKU and Action data together, then we'd recommend using the /actions report and setting the includeSkus flag to true

Affiliate & Analytics data

You can only use the following combinations of categories and metrics when combining Affiliate and Google Analytics categories & metrics:

  • Publisher and General categories with any combination of Affiliate AND/OR Analytics metrics, as well as Custom Metrics which rely on categories and metrics within the same limits (Publisher + General categories with Affiliate AND/OR Analytics metrics).
  • Publisher, General, and Affiliate categories with any Affiliate metrics, as well as Custom Metrics which rely on categories and metrics within the same limits.
  • Publisher, General, and Analytics categories with any Analytics metrics, as well as Custom Metrics which rely on categories and metrics within the same limits.

"Publisher categories" are a subset of Affiliate categories and include the following categories:

  • publisher
  • publisherCountry
  • publisherEmail
  • publisherGroup
  • publisherId
  • publisherPrimaryWebsite
  • publisherTags
  • publisherType

Note: Ads data is incompatible with Affiliate & Analytics data.